Counterfeit goods: Counterfeit shoes, handbags and accessories were sold via social media channels.

Meta and Christian Louboutin file joint suit against counterfeiter


A lawsuit has been filed in the Northern District of California against a man of Culiacán, Sinaloa, Mexico. He has been accused by Meta and Christian Louboutin of using Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp to promote the sale of counterfeit Louboutin branded shoes, handbags, and accessories. 

Meta had previously disabled the digital platform accounts of the Mexican man for violations of intellectual property. However, he set up new accounts through these platforms to continue selling counterfeit products. Christian Louboutin’s undercover shoppers purchased these counterfeit products determining the goods were materially different and infringed the company’s trademarks. 

Meta has created a team of trained processionals to remove infringing content from online. In response to over 180,000 counterfeit reports, the Meta team has already taken down more than 1.7 million pieces of content on both Instagram and Facebook.


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